Friday, October 30, 2009

Should Cameras be Able to Monitor Your Every Move?

The government and many businesses are interested in using advanced technology to monitor what people are doing and saying. They want to do this to keep people safe, prevent theft, and help to solve crimes. But is it really worth it? People should be able to have conversations in public without having to worry about being overheard. We should be warned if someone is listening for security purposes. On the other hand, I do think that video monitoring is a good idea. Video surveillance could help police to find bank robbers, and would also allow businesses to keep an eye out for shoplifting. If you aren't doing anything wrong, you don't need to worry about security cameras.


  1. I totally agree with you and do not believe the government should be intruding on our privacy. That takes away from our freedom of being an American. If the government is watching our every move then we have no freedom what so ever. Even though they have the right to do so because of September 11, 2001 and it is in aid to prevent terrorist attacks and so forth. The Bill is called the USA Patriot Act. But if the government does not find you as a threat then they should not have the right to have surveillance on you without you knowing.

  2. I totally agree with you. Don't we live in a country that is based on having our own freedom and rights? Cameras should not be able to monitor our every move because we have the right to our own privacy. But the government always brings up the subject that the reason why they have wanted this to happen is to make sure there are no terrorist attacks that may happen in the near future. I do agree they should be put in areas such as banks, school hallways, gas stations, and resturants to prevent from theft and shoplifting. So we should not have cameras at ever move but we should always keep an eye out on what is going on around us.

  3. I think monitoring people in businesses is a good idea. I used to work at a restaurant where all of the employees knew their was not a camera and a lot of the lose was employees taking food. If the owners would have known what was going on they would have hired different workers.

  4. There are certain places that absolutely need cameras for security reasons (banks, govt agencies, etc...). Having cameras at local businesses that have stuff outside is a good thing as well. The security company will call the owner or next person in line if there is somebody at the workplace at midnight that shouldn't be there. I do not think that a business that is just offices shouldn't. You should be able to work without thinking "what if I am being watched right now?"

  5. I believe that cameras are such are perfectly fine in public places (malls, parks, etc.) but should not be allowed in private places (your house,car or restrooms).

  6. Well, I can't agree more about it. And I think this needs to be seen in two diffenrent parts. One is the security part,for our country needs the sence of satety and ourselves need the sence of satety. So we must make something more complicated to protect our country such as the camera and something like that.
    On the other side, we must take the private issue into account, that we cannot allow something break our private limitations and influence our life. So in somewhere like the dorm, toilet, we cannot use the camere.

  7. I think the security cameras are a good idea. Like you said, if you aren't doing anything wrong then you should have nothing to worry about. I just think they should use discretion when deciding on where to put these cameras so they people's privacy is not invaded.

  8. I think security cameras are a good idea. I work at MutualBank here in Muncie and when we got robbed the cameras were what helped save the person who did it. I do think there should be limits, you have to have some kind of limts set for a matter this huge.

  9. i agree and disagree. yes i feel it is an infringement of our privacy but at the time time there is a place and a time to share private information. if you are walking down a street talking to a friend hopefully you aren't talking to a friend telling them about your password to this and that and your bank account while someone listens. at the same time not everyone needs to know what you are saying. i feel that they are doing this to listen for key words and sounds. such phrases as "i'm going to shoot him" or "lets rob this place" are not common things and would be picked up by the computer and recorded.. things like "lets meet at the beach at noon" probably won't be picked up and recorded. and you know with computers taking peoples jobs i doubt there will be a guy trying to listen to every conversation on ever corner of chicago. i think that if they start watching in our rooms, then they have gone to far.

  10. I think that video monitoring is where the line should be drawn, but if they start recording audio it can be used for purposes that I would never agree with. Also if someone is able to hack into these surveilance programs, they could be used to get away with a mirad of crimes.
